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Babaji ki Booti Lyrics, Translation, Meanings in English (Go Goa Gone)

Movie: Go Goa Gone
Music and singers: Sachin-Jigar
Lyrics: Amitabh Bhattacharya

Dude, le maar
Baba ji ki booti
Baaba ji ki booti la laa la laa...

Dude, take a puff
This herb is Babaji ..
Babaji's grass ..

[Babaji literally means grandfather, but is used to address old men with respect. It's also used to saints etc., and sometimes there may be opium/cannabis smokers among saints, somewhat like hippies, and here Babaji ki Booti means the saints' weed only.]

Jo bharee chillam bane hum hero
Life lagay film, samasyaa zero
Daaru - bandon ki gandee harkat
Bootee - upar waaley kee barkat
Babaaji ki bootee la la la la

We chillum [to smoking a traditional pipe] fill, we become heroes ..
Come the problems of life and feel like a movie ..
Alcohol - it's a bad thing by people.
Grass - God Bless
Babaji's grass, yay yay ..

Let me take you to the Baba ji
Sukh kanchan baba ji, dukh bhanjan baba ji
Wonderful baba ji powerful baba ji
Booti-ful Babaji

Let me take you to Baba Ji,
Babaji love like gold (net) returns, Babaji ends all suffering ..
Babaji is amazing and powerful ..
Babaji's beautiful [here the word as it booti-ful means that a lot of grass]

Ho agar kisi ladkee kaa chakkar
Ya ho boss teraa raavan kaa puttar
Booti - har duvidhaa kaa salution
Dhuaan - de frustration mein poshan
Babaji ki booti lala la la..
Babaji ki booti lala la la..

लड़की से संबंधित कोई समस्या है या नहीं
या अपने मालिक, रावण के पुत्र है
घास - हर समस्या के लिए समाधान है
धुआँ - यह हताशा में आप पोषण देता है ..
बाबाजी की घास ..

Wo dekh, wo kyaa hai? Panchhi hai kyaa?
Naa re paglay, plane
Arey dekh underwear baahar hai, Superman
Naa that is Babajee..
Babaaji ki bootee
Babaaji ki bootee

क्या है देखो, जो कि एक पक्षी है?
कोई पागल, कि एक विमान है ..
अरे अपने अंडरवियर (पैंट) के बाहर है देखते हैं, यह एक सुपरमैन है
नहीं, वह Babajee है ..
बाबाजी की घास ...

Baba ji ki jai ho
Jai ho baba jee kee
Oonchaaiyon ko gehraaiyon mein leen kar deejiye
Aatmaa ke RAM se trauma ka spam clean kar deejiye
Yahaan ameer gareeb mein koi bhed nahi hai
Baaba ke seedhe prasaaran mein rukaavat to hai
Magar rukaawat ke liye saalaa koi khed nahi hai
Samasyaa ke middle finger pe
Samaadhaan ki angoothi - Baba jee kee booti
Baba ji kee booti
Baba ji I love you!

Babaji Hail, hail him ..
Break heights to the depths,
Spirit of RAM spam trauma clean ..
There is no difference between rich and poor here ..
Baba issues are to live;
But there is no excuse for issues ..
[This refers to the time when television, stuck and screens, which means' Rukawat khed the liye hai "" We are sorry for the interruption. "Used to be the only TV network in India]
Middle finger on the problem,
Ring Solution - Babaji's grass.
Babaji I love you!


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